Something to Hide? Part 1

Posted by Jade Green , Tuesday, May 4, 2010 5:57 AM

They say that 90% of flawless makeup comes from the perfect base, meaning foundation. So ive decided to do a 4 part segment on how to achieve the perfect base, which will set you up for every makeup look! the first segement is on concealing and colour correcting, the second part is skin care, the third is foundation application and the final is contouring ( a great skill to have!).

Concealer doesnt just mean for under the eyes. Yes that is the main type of concealer but there are lots of different colours to correct differnt concerns.

if your concern is....

Redness: Just think of the colour wheel in all these situations because you are dealing with colour correction so the opposite of Red is......GREEN! so that is what you will need to apply to your skin to counter-act redness. Sounds strange but it works a treat! the best one that ive come across is Nation Complextion Corrector in Green. The consistancy is great is a lotion so a but runnier then a cream. this works really well because a stick or a hard cream can leave too much colour on the skin and you dont want it to have the reverse efffect, and be left with a muddy green patch on your skin! so before foundation apply the lotion to all red areas, they can usually be found on the side of the lips and around the nose. But use your own descretion.

Dark Circles: Dark cicrcles are cause by a lack of circulation under the eye, which causes blood to become stagnet and stay under the eye causing a blue/purple dark circle. the skin around the eye is VERY fragile and only a few milimetres thick so make sure you use extra caution when working around the eye area. being too hard can cause pe-mature aging. So in order to counter-act the blue/purple colour the best colour to use is a warm yellow colour-dont use anything too orange though as its not a natural tone in your skin and will look fake. one of my faves is ( you guess it) Nation Complextion Corrector inYellow for the exact same reason as the green corrector, it usually sells for i think $12. so its really reasonable and lasts a long time. BUT my ultimate Favourite and to me its worth every cent and you cant get any better then this! is YSL Radiance Pen. AMAZING thats the only way to put it basically! it highlights and covers all imperfections and dark circles with out going cakey it looks so natural and flawless and ive you a healthy glow my FAVEOURITE!

Dull Skin: ok so to me there is nothing worse then dull lackluster skin, or un-even skin tone! it can make you foundation look cakey and un-natural and also makes you look tried! the best colour to give you skin a  luminating radiance is in face purple! So Red Earth have a amazing purple corrector its roughly about $30 but it comes in a glass canister and is very hyginic and lasts a long time it comes highly recommended!

Oily Skin: There is nothing worse the spending ages on your makeup and then have it run of your face later on because your skin is oily! so the best solution is to take the problem BEFORE you apply your foundation. use a Mattifying gel or cream in the areas needed ( usually the t-section) and try to stick to only these areas other wise it may dull out the skin if you use it where you dont need it! again Red Earth have a really great one same price and the purple corrector!

So there you have it! and all these products need to go on before the foundation! because if you do it after you will be recking you base and you will see lighter patches in your skin or uneven tone!

there is one more product to use BUT its the very final stage ( after contouring and foundation) ill talk about it now because it is relevent but ill bring it up later on too. i dont know if you have seen it but its a powder and its lots of either balls or patches in different colours. Most are the above colours, such as pink, white, yellow, green and purple. the importance of all these colour is it give your skin the final helping hand while setting your foundation it will correct any areas and give you skin the beautiful glow we are all after! a good powder should have most of these colours in it! my fave is Guerlain meteorite balls! the smell is to die for and they last a very long time the best that ive used! the retail for about $60 from memory (here is the websight worth a look or there is alsp Phicicans Formula powder which retails roughly $30! but im my opinon you cant go past the metiorite balls!

Ok so there you have it! but remeber that you dont have to use all these products on your face! only use the ones that you need!! Havr Fun and Good Luck!!! ill be back soon with the other segments! 
Love Jade Green xx

2 Response to "Something to Hide? Part 1"

Clare Says:

Great blog :) keep them coming! x

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