Hair Care Part 1- Shampoos and Conditioners

Posted by Jade Green , Tuesday, May 11, 2010 11:10 PM

Washing your hair. Seems like an easy thing to do right? We I’m amazed at how many people I know that don’t know how to wash their hair properly! And evey time I correct them they are so amazed, and thank me for it later!
To start of you need a good quality shampoo and conditioner. And I’m not talking about the ones at the supermarket or chemist; you need to get your hair care product from a hairdressing salon! Yes that are more expensive, but what you don’t know if you haven’t tried them is they make your hair and scalp SO much healthier and they last 2 times even 3 times longer than the cheaper knock-offs!
You hair already goes though enough with colouring and styling, don’t you think it deserves some pampering by some shampoo and conditioner designed by people who study hair?! Once you try it you will never go back!
Ok so I bet your wondering now, “What shampoo and conditioner is right for me?” There are so many different products out there and your hair and scalp both need to be treated you need something that is prescriptive! It’s about quality not quantity. Even with hairdressing brands you can still purchase the economy sized bottles, but I recommend you go for quality hands down evey time. Quality shampoos and conditioners are usually in a smaller bottle as there are highly concentrated and have a more pricer, price tag. Trust me your hair will thank you for it and it will be so much easier to manage, it will actually do what you want it to do!
For me there is only one range I’ve found to treat my hair and my scalp and make all my hair dreams come true, if you haven’t tried it I suggest you go on their website, find the nearest salon and book in for a hair and scalp prescription. Yes the product I am talking about is
I am a trained ambassador with the Kerastase collection and trust me having seeing the benefits from this product it’s a miracle. It can treat everything from hair loss, breakage, lack of volume, dull hair and on top of it all it gives you amazingly silky smooth hair
Ok so back to picking what product is right for you (its a lot easier if you get a prescription) Shampoo’s or “bathes” as they are called by Kerastase are made to treat the scalp, anything from hair loss (which can be caused by an imbalance in the scalp) to oiliness to dandruff (oily and dry, yes there are two types) if you don’t treat your scalp concern it will lead to an imbalance in the scalp and will eventually effect the hair condition. A good quality shampoo shouldn’t lather or foam too much, the more foam you get the more harsh detergents the shampoo has in it! Also you MUST shampoo your hair twice! Why? The first time will get any dust and excess oil off the scalp and the second will let the ingredients penetrate into your scalp and treat your scalp concern, make sure you leave the second shampoo on for a few seconds.
Also how often you shampoo your hair is important, try if you can not to shampoo it every day, as your hair will think it is drying out, and in return produce more oil! That is why it can seem to be oily after one day! It’s hard at first but try cutting it back to 2-3 times a week, for the first week it will be oily because your scalp is in shock and it can finally breathe so it will be letting some oil out! After that time your hair will be a lot silkier and smoother, and the natural oils of your scalp will coat and protect your hair, AND it won’t be oily!
Also a good weekly treatment is a great idea! I defiantly recommend any treatment from the Kerastase collection, or also Moroccan Oil it’s fantastic! But if your budget won’t allow it try using olive oil! Though the mid length and ends only! NOT the roots. This gives your hair a fantastic healthy shine and will keep it nourished for days to come! So apply it to dry hair and wrap in cling wrap ( keeps the heat in) for at least ½ hr or so, you can sleep in it if you like but it can be a bit messy, I suggest putting a towel over your pillow! Then rinse and shampoo twice followed by a great conditioner!
Ok so after you’re reading this, you should have washing your hair down pat, your scalp and hair will be healthy and glowing! Keep reading for more hair and beauty posts coming up!
Have Fun Love
JadeGreen xx

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