Contouring and Highlighting Part 4

Posted by Jade Green , Saturday, May 8, 2010 6:19 PM

Ever wished that you colour slim-down your nose or enhance you cheekbones, well its allot easier then you think! It’s called contouring! And it’s the final step in making you foundation and skin look flawless. No matter what the concern is this is a contouring technique to enhance or hind your concern.
So the trick is to work with light and dark. Anything that is shaded or darkened will look as if its resending and anything that is highlighted will look like it is coming forward.
There are a few different product you can use I find the easiest is a duo concealer that has a natural finish. You need a duo colour with a lighter shade to use as a highlighter and a darker shade to use to add depth to your face. Another product that is also good is a bronzer; try to get one with minimal shimmer as shimmer will act more like a highlight then to add depth. Also this is only one part to add depth, you also need one to highlight, and I’d recommend a soft shimmer gel or even a lighter eye shadow colour in a natural tone.
Contouring is all about re-shaping your face if your face is

Round- you need to build your cheekbones. To do this add either bronzer or the darker concealer colour under your cheekbones (suck in your cheeks to find where to apply) and apply in a wedge like shape from your hairline right up to under the apples of your cheeks.

Wide or round forehead- to make this area seem narrower shade just the sides or temples of the forehead with a bronzer or darker conceler to make it appear more slim

Wide thick nose- very similar to the forehead but apply bronzer or darker concealer either side of the nose, and the highlighter down the middle of the nose to lengthen it and add make it appear more balanced. If you feel your nose is too long, apply a small amount of darker concealer under the tip of the nose, it will make it appear shorter.

Double Chin- darkening under the chin right to the front of the chin but just underneath. The key with contouring is you can’t see where it starts and stops its meant to look seamless and natural
Enhance your jaw line: similar to disguising the double chin apply bronzer along you entire jaw line which will add depth and make your jaw line stand out more giving you the look of having a more angular face

So to bring any areas forward, do the opposite of adding depth apply a highlighter this will emphasise them it’s great to do this on the cheekbones and above the brow bone, it also give you a healthy glow!
Also if you are wearing blush, apple it wither on the apples of the cheeks (gives you a natural flush) or under the cheekbone on top of the bronzer or darker concealer (this will give you some colour and still enhance your cheekbones).
So there you have it! Everyone’s face is different and has different need, practice makes perfect. Follow the steps that apply to you and keep trying it makes a massive difference to your face: D
Here is a diagram as well i hope this makes it easier
Love always
JadeGreen x

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