Skin Care Part 2

Posted by Jade Green , Friday, May 7, 2010 8:22 PM

Skin care is much more then what we put on our face! Most of beautiful glowing skin is reflected on how healthy we are on the inside, and also the skin care products that we use! I’m very lucky am my skin rarely breaks out, I find that if I’ve indulged a little too much on chocolate or fatty foods that within a week’s time my skin will be about to break out L. So I’ve found the best thing that works for me is to be fit and healthy and “try” to avoid the foods that I know give me bad skin. Everything in moderation!
Just like in my earlier Blog on detoxification everything that you put into your system needs to escape somehow, most of the time that is though your skin! It can become more oily, dry and patchy or like me break out! Try drinking some cleansing tea (green tea), do a 7day detox programme or something that I take myself that I’ve found to work wonders is Silica Tablets. You can get them from the health food shop and basically it improves the zinc levels in your body and helps with all your connective tissue. Cut a long story short, it makes your hair skin and nails strong and healthy! At first if you try one of these methods it’s hard, because your skin will break out even more, which in the long term is a good thing! What’s happening is your skin is leaching out all the unwanted toxins in your body and the tea, or detoxing programme helps flush it out of your system! My advice when you start this make sure there is nothing BIG happening like a function or a party it’s good to stay in over the weekend while you are starting this programme.
Tips when the unwanted arrive!
It said not to touch or pick unwanted pimples, but no one like the sight of them. For me Prevention is better than cure! If you must pick, use clean hand and have ice ready to reduce any swelling. Try not to touch the sight or put makeup on it as it will make it worse! As I just said you may need to have a weekend in but once your body is cleansed your skin will be able to breathe! But for any stubborn blackhead I use Biore’s deep cleansing pore strips, work wonders!
When working with the skin it is very important to remember that you get a pH balanced product. The normal range for skin, hair and scalp is 4.5-5.5pH anything out of these regions will be far too harsh for your skin! Apparently in a normal day we apply 515 chemicals to our face! (Safe obviously otherwise they wouldn’t be allowed in skin care), so I prefer to use more “natural” skin care products on my face and body. It is basically impossible to recommend skin care products to someone that you haven’t met or seen their skin; everyone’s skin is so different. So my best advice would be to go into a skin care shop and talk to the girls there and get their advice! They know what they are talking about as they deal with the products everyday! My favourite place is Lush! I’m totally addicted the products last so long and smell amazing and they have worked wonders on my skin! Take a look at the Lush Websight! I use a daily cleanser, which is softer for everyday use, toning water and also a face mask once a week! All these I’ve bought from lush, you can order over the internet as well! Bliss!
You may also want to stretch your skin care programme out to day and night or even eye creams you just need to find the product that works for you, me personally don’t use any of those “yet” lol.
Also it is very important to use a great moisturiser with preferably some SPF, if it doesn’t have any you can always buy some sun cream and inter mix it with your moisturiser! Moisturiser with SPF is so important because when we hop out of the shower or bath our skin is in a very soft state, and if it’s left on its own, external aggressions are far easier to penetrate your skin and make it dry and itchy. And will help fight pre-mature aging! I’ve used moisturiser with SPF every day for the past 10 or so years and I’ve never looked back. People say that I’m addicted and I reckon they are right! It’s SO SO SO important! It will keep your skin healthy and youthful for many years to come!
Ok so this is a big one and I’m still shock to learn that not many people do it! REMOVE YOUR MAKEUP BEFORE BED!!! Otherwise your makeup will clog your pores leading to blackhead and pimples and can cause uneven skin tone and eye infections not a good look! My favourite is L’Oreal Eye and Lip Makeup Remover- $18.00 or if you want a natural alternative use olive oil! Works wonders and you skin, especially your eye area will be smooth as a baby’s bum!
But skin care isn’t just your face! It can be your whole body! Here are some recipes for amazing glowing skin which you can use on your whole body even your face!
Olive Oil Scrub
½ C sugar
2 TBS honey
3TBS Olive oil (must be extra virgin)
Mix all together and apply small amount to wet skin! Amazing you may not need to moisturise afterwards as this is very moisturising (wouldn’t recommend it for very oily skin) Oh and don’t worry about the olive oil clogging your pores. The Olive oil particles are way too big to fit into your pores! And you’re left with smooth radiant skin!
White and Yellow Egg Mask
Apply a whisked egg white to clean skin allow to dry (will feel tight) and wash off this is a great way to brighten your skin!
Next step is to repeat same process but with the yolk, this will act as a natural moisturiser! Enjoy! (Only use this for your face though: D)
Remember that doing all these things once isn’t going to be enough! You need to make time and put in effort if you want glowing skin! Keep any supplements next to your bathroom skin so you don’t forget to take them in the morning and make sure you allow enough time to cleanse tone and moisturise every single day! The fruits will blossom in time just keep persisting and find the right products that work for you!
Love Always JadeGreen x

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