Stress Less

Posted by Jade Green , Friday, May 7, 2010 1:33 AM

Stess is a major health risk! Trust me i know, having recently been hospitalised from a stress retaled migrain which escelated to show stroke symptoms (AT the age of 20!) i think i know too when what stress can do to your body when no addressed straight away! By the way im fine now :D, so dont stress hehe

Stress can not only make you put weight on, loose sleep and effect your mood it can also put a huge strain on your body! 
Ive been doing so research ever since my migrain and here is some info that ive stumbled across!
Stress causes change in your body that can be either physical, emotional or psychological. i found that there are  different types of Stress
Eustress: Which is a type that keeps us vital, it is fun and exciting
and then there is
Acute Stress: which can be a mixture of Eustree or can be more di-stressing
Episodic Stress: where the stress can run rampid of your life and prevent Chaos
and finally
Chronic Stress: i feel for who ever is suffering from this one! It is never-ending!

When your body is stressed, the natural "fight or flight" come into play! your body releases adrenelin as well as other hormones which effect your heart rate and can contract your muscles.
In more severe cases you can get migrains, Ulcers, Diabeetes, Depesion, Hairloss (BIG ONE!), OCD and many more un-plesent things.

So the only best thing for stress is prevention!
there are many herbal remedies you can get for stress which include Ginsing- works on your nervouse system and Reishi- which can restore emotional balance
Ive found since being to hospital that drinking Cammomile tea before bed helps trimendisly, its very calming and great to help you nod of to sleep!
here is a websight full of herbal remedies

Also meditaiton can prove to be very effective, try in a class setting first to introduce you to the step you need to take or get a dvd or a cd to listen to when you are starting to feel that your stress levels are getting high here is a websight offering simple and effective ways of meditation

The final thing i suggest is listen to your body start to notice the signs your body is telling you and PLEASE dont ignore them, otherwise you might end up in hospital like i did and trust me its not fun!

The rest of my blog on Flawless foundation will be coming soon!!
Take care and Stress Less
Love Jade Greenx

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