Recent News

Posted by Jade Green , Friday, May 21, 2010 6:09 PM

Ok so after one whole month of being alone, fending for myself and having to cook dinner for one, I am finally flying out to see my husband tomorrow at 6am in the morning! I couldn’t me move ecstatic! It’s amazing how much I have achieved not only physically but also emotionally! You need to understand that as soon as I moved out from home, I moved straight into my husband’s arms! It was a great experience being alone for a month, and scary at times!
Anyway I have been preparing for when I step off the plane and see him again! I’ve been keeping extremely fit and healthy and toned up in places where I didn’t even think could be toned lol, my skin is clear and radiant, and I’ve just lightened my hair (slightly), and I bought some fantastic new clothes, including a great pair of patent leather grey thigh high flat boots OH I’m in love! So I’m ready to WOW him when I get to see him! SO here you have it I have 13 hrs or being in airports and on planes to prepare to see my husband again YA
It’s going to be hard leaving all ,my friends and the area that I grew up in but, I can now see what I’m moving it-to! A great new lift and fresh starts, new job, new friend’s new house WOW!
So I guess I’ll just be taking about my flight and what I’m taking to survive these 13 hrs of suspense!
Must to have on such a long flight is facial wipes, I’m planning to wear no makeup and just daggy comfortable clothes, because believe me it’s COLD at 3.30 in the morning when I have to get up! So the facial wipes will be a great toner and base for my makeup (whenever I decide to apply it!). one thing I am going to do though, seems weird but it’s a massive time and prying eye saver, I’ll put my false lashes on at home before I leave, I don’t know about you but when you’re out and about and you need to do a quick makeup touch up and there is no bath room present suddenly it like “all eyes on the woman putting makeup on!” and considering ill be putting most of my makeup on mid-flight this seems like a great way to detract some unwanted eyes hehe. So ill be in my daggy clothes with false lashes oh well who cares! It will be better that way in the long run! :D
Also I’ll do my hair today and touch it up tomorrow before I leave, I think straight is the best way because I can still brush it throughout the day, where if you go for curls its better for a short flight, but don’t brush curls as they can go fluffy and out of control! Make sure you have a small hair product with you for touch-ups!
So I have a 6hr stop over at an airport I’ve never been to so I reckon there I will read a book (yes harry potter and the half blood prince lol) and try and keep occupied! I was planning on listening to music on my phone, but in the haze of last night’s friend’s birthday party, I accidently dropped it in the toilet YES my new phone  oh well!
Also another great thing to take on airplanes is eye drops, if you think about it you are at high altitude and in lots of air-conditioning; your eyes can go red and become dry! So eye drops will keep them lubricated and white!
Ok so this is basically just what’s been happening recently I’ve got to pack all my clothes now and get my day bag ready OH it’s so exciting! I will keep you all updated on how that big airport meeting goes! Keep Reading
Love always Jade Green!

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