Flawless Fake Tan

Posted by Jade Green , Monday, May 3, 2010 7:40 PM

So im being lazy tonight! ive skipped the gym to apply fake tan!!!! give me a healthy glow for the rest of the week!
People who wear fake tan shouldn't look like giant oranges rolling down the street. If its applyed correctly it should look flawless and sun-kissed whithout that nasty orange glow.
To achieve this is acually alot easier then you think, now i do admit practise makes perfect, but once you get the tecnique down pat the rest is history!
If you are new to fake tan, the first thing i would recommend is going to a salon and getting a light tan somthing very natural. This will give you a great indication of what you look like with a tan and you can see how it lasts and fades on your skin.
Bearing in mind that salon products are proffesional,BUT there are some fantastic home tanning kits on the market, you just have to find the right one for you!
The application of tan it the key, whether you use a cream, spray, mousse or gel shouldn't matter.
So i reckon before we start ill explaine the best products that ive used and what my honest oppinon is!

Spray: to me sprays are the easiest! they look great you can see the colour instantly and they are very easy to blend into the skin as some have a slippery/oil feel to them. My personal Favourite is LE TAN- DEEP BRONZE GLOW retails for approx $19.00

Cream: creams are great, they do take a bit more patince as some are quite thick and take a while to rub completely in. Also if you after a darker glow, it is hard to achieve when you are using a cream as too much product on the skin can cause streaking and can clump together. Great for a light suptle colour! I reccoment LE TAN- CREAM TAN it comes with a sponge tip end so you dont have to use your hands! Retails for about $12.00

Mousse: Mousse's are similar to the creams the give a softer colour. but unlike the cream you can apply as much as you like i suggest to do it in layers. its great because it doesnt stain the hands nearly as much and for extra applications its a breeze! I love SUGA BABY-MOUSSE TAN roughly $22.00

Gel: Gels can be slightly trickier to use. for one they are very cold :( but most of them dont have a strong tan colour and it can be very hard to see where you have applyed leaving plenty of opportunity for overlapping and missed patches. i would reccoment a more experienced tan user of gels (my observation). if you are to use a gel i reccomend LOREAL SUBLIME BORNZE TANNING GEL roughly around the $20.00 mark

Gradual tan: ive used many! and have had many desasters! the colour is very light, so if you want to feel like your've had a tan i dont reccomend this at all. its a gradual process and would take weeks to even get a hint of colour. also most of the gradual tan are a white cream colour so its very difficult to see where you have applyed and can cause some unwanted streaking and patchiness. if you are to use one of these the PALMERS COCOA BUTTER TAN CREAM is the best!

So there you have to basic tanning products. now it to the application
i start by exfoliating all your skin first especailly the knees, ancles and elbows as these parts of the skin are the driest and the tanning product can cling to these areas. once youve exfoliate dry the skin thougrally and apply moisturiser. its will smooth the skin and help the tan look more nautral. wait for moisturiser to dry then start the tan.

i start form top to bottom, because if any extra product drops down you will not be recking your application. no matter what your weapon of choice is rubbing it in is the key start with the face neck and decolatage. apply small ammount to hand ( or if its spray, spray directly on the area) and then rub rub rub! smooth out all over! make sure to get all along the jaw bone and near your ears.
move down to your arms! same application but make sure you get all sides of your arms and underneath near your armpits. we will come back to the wrists later. follow this same method along the entire body.
Dont worry if its not perfect first time, it take practice to perfect it but once you do its a huge money saver and you look much healthier with a tan!

So once the full body is done let dry for aprrox 15-30mins (depending on the tan used) and re-apply the same way if a darker look is desired. :) BUT if its your first tan application i would suggest going subtle to start off with, so then if there are any mistakes they arn't as ovbiouse!
a good tan should last roughly a week if applyed properly

MY final helpfull tip
if you do make a huge mistake or you dont like your tan the best thing to do is remove it! you can purchase a tan removal lotion or you can use a homemade recipe the best thing that if found that works its lemon juice! but dialute it in a bit of water because its a strong acid and it can sting and dry the skin out!


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