Recent News

Posted by Jade Green , Friday, May 21, 2010 6:09 PM

Ok so after one whole month of being alone, fending for myself and having to cook dinner for one, I am finally flying out to see my husband tomorrow at 6am in the morning! I couldn’t me move ecstatic! It’s amazing how much I have achieved not only physically but also emotionally! You need to understand that as soon as I moved out from home, I moved straight into my husband’s arms! It was a great experience being alone for a month, and scary at times!
Anyway I have been preparing for when I step off the plane and see him again! I’ve been keeping extremely fit and healthy and toned up in places where I didn’t even think could be toned lol, my skin is clear and radiant, and I’ve just lightened my hair (slightly), and I bought some fantastic new clothes, including a great pair of patent leather grey thigh high flat boots OH I’m in love! So I’m ready to WOW him when I get to see him! SO here you have it I have 13 hrs or being in airports and on planes to prepare to see my husband again YA
It’s going to be hard leaving all ,my friends and the area that I grew up in but, I can now see what I’m moving it-to! A great new lift and fresh starts, new job, new friend’s new house WOW!
So I guess I’ll just be taking about my flight and what I’m taking to survive these 13 hrs of suspense!
Must to have on such a long flight is facial wipes, I’m planning to wear no makeup and just daggy comfortable clothes, because believe me it’s COLD at 3.30 in the morning when I have to get up! So the facial wipes will be a great toner and base for my makeup (whenever I decide to apply it!). one thing I am going to do though, seems weird but it’s a massive time and prying eye saver, I’ll put my false lashes on at home before I leave, I don’t know about you but when you’re out and about and you need to do a quick makeup touch up and there is no bath room present suddenly it like “all eyes on the woman putting makeup on!” and considering ill be putting most of my makeup on mid-flight this seems like a great way to detract some unwanted eyes hehe. So ill be in my daggy clothes with false lashes oh well who cares! It will be better that way in the long run! :D
Also I’ll do my hair today and touch it up tomorrow before I leave, I think straight is the best way because I can still brush it throughout the day, where if you go for curls its better for a short flight, but don’t brush curls as they can go fluffy and out of control! Make sure you have a small hair product with you for touch-ups!
So I have a 6hr stop over at an airport I’ve never been to so I reckon there I will read a book (yes harry potter and the half blood prince lol) and try and keep occupied! I was planning on listening to music on my phone, but in the haze of last night’s friend’s birthday party, I accidently dropped it in the toilet YES my new phone  oh well!
Also another great thing to take on airplanes is eye drops, if you think about it you are at high altitude and in lots of air-conditioning; your eyes can go red and become dry! So eye drops will keep them lubricated and white!
Ok so this is basically just what’s been happening recently I’ve got to pack all my clothes now and get my day bag ready OH it’s so exciting! I will keep you all updated on how that big airport meeting goes! Keep Reading
Love always Jade Green!

Hair Care Part 1- Shampoos and Conditioners

Posted by Jade Green , Tuesday, May 11, 2010 11:10 PM

Washing your hair. Seems like an easy thing to do right? We I’m amazed at how many people I know that don’t know how to wash their hair properly! And evey time I correct them they are so amazed, and thank me for it later!
To start of you need a good quality shampoo and conditioner. And I’m not talking about the ones at the supermarket or chemist; you need to get your hair care product from a hairdressing salon! Yes that are more expensive, but what you don’t know if you haven’t tried them is they make your hair and scalp SO much healthier and they last 2 times even 3 times longer than the cheaper knock-offs!
You hair already goes though enough with colouring and styling, don’t you think it deserves some pampering by some shampoo and conditioner designed by people who study hair?! Once you try it you will never go back!
Ok so I bet your wondering now, “What shampoo and conditioner is right for me?” There are so many different products out there and your hair and scalp both need to be treated you need something that is prescriptive! It’s about quality not quantity. Even with hairdressing brands you can still purchase the economy sized bottles, but I recommend you go for quality hands down evey time. Quality shampoos and conditioners are usually in a smaller bottle as there are highly concentrated and have a more pricer, price tag. Trust me your hair will thank you for it and it will be so much easier to manage, it will actually do what you want it to do!
For me there is only one range I’ve found to treat my hair and my scalp and make all my hair dreams come true, if you haven’t tried it I suggest you go on their website, find the nearest salon and book in for a hair and scalp prescription. Yes the product I am talking about is
I am a trained ambassador with the Kerastase collection and trust me having seeing the benefits from this product it’s a miracle. It can treat everything from hair loss, breakage, lack of volume, dull hair and on top of it all it gives you amazingly silky smooth hair
Ok so back to picking what product is right for you (its a lot easier if you get a prescription) Shampoo’s or “bathes” as they are called by Kerastase are made to treat the scalp, anything from hair loss (which can be caused by an imbalance in the scalp) to oiliness to dandruff (oily and dry, yes there are two types) if you don’t treat your scalp concern it will lead to an imbalance in the scalp and will eventually effect the hair condition. A good quality shampoo shouldn’t lather or foam too much, the more foam you get the more harsh detergents the shampoo has in it! Also you MUST shampoo your hair twice! Why? The first time will get any dust and excess oil off the scalp and the second will let the ingredients penetrate into your scalp and treat your scalp concern, make sure you leave the second shampoo on for a few seconds.
Also how often you shampoo your hair is important, try if you can not to shampoo it every day, as your hair will think it is drying out, and in return produce more oil! That is why it can seem to be oily after one day! It’s hard at first but try cutting it back to 2-3 times a week, for the first week it will be oily because your scalp is in shock and it can finally breathe so it will be letting some oil out! After that time your hair will be a lot silkier and smoother, and the natural oils of your scalp will coat and protect your hair, AND it won’t be oily!
Also a good weekly treatment is a great idea! I defiantly recommend any treatment from the Kerastase collection, or also Moroccan Oil it’s fantastic! But if your budget won’t allow it try using olive oil! Though the mid length and ends only! NOT the roots. This gives your hair a fantastic healthy shine and will keep it nourished for days to come! So apply it to dry hair and wrap in cling wrap ( keeps the heat in) for at least ½ hr or so, you can sleep in it if you like but it can be a bit messy, I suggest putting a towel over your pillow! Then rinse and shampoo twice followed by a great conditioner!
Ok so after you’re reading this, you should have washing your hair down pat, your scalp and hair will be healthy and glowing! Keep reading for more hair and beauty posts coming up!
Have Fun Love
JadeGreen xx

Contouring and Highlighting Part 4

Posted by Jade Green , Saturday, May 8, 2010 6:19 PM

Ever wished that you colour slim-down your nose or enhance you cheekbones, well its allot easier then you think! It’s called contouring! And it’s the final step in making you foundation and skin look flawless. No matter what the concern is this is a contouring technique to enhance or hind your concern.
So the trick is to work with light and dark. Anything that is shaded or darkened will look as if its resending and anything that is highlighted will look like it is coming forward.
There are a few different product you can use I find the easiest is a duo concealer that has a natural finish. You need a duo colour with a lighter shade to use as a highlighter and a darker shade to use to add depth to your face. Another product that is also good is a bronzer; try to get one with minimal shimmer as shimmer will act more like a highlight then to add depth. Also this is only one part to add depth, you also need one to highlight, and I’d recommend a soft shimmer gel or even a lighter eye shadow colour in a natural tone.
Contouring is all about re-shaping your face if your face is

Round- you need to build your cheekbones. To do this add either bronzer or the darker concealer colour under your cheekbones (suck in your cheeks to find where to apply) and apply in a wedge like shape from your hairline right up to under the apples of your cheeks.

Wide or round forehead- to make this area seem narrower shade just the sides or temples of the forehead with a bronzer or darker conceler to make it appear more slim

Wide thick nose- very similar to the forehead but apply bronzer or darker concealer either side of the nose, and the highlighter down the middle of the nose to lengthen it and add make it appear more balanced. If you feel your nose is too long, apply a small amount of darker concealer under the tip of the nose, it will make it appear shorter.

Double Chin- darkening under the chin right to the front of the chin but just underneath. The key with contouring is you can’t see where it starts and stops its meant to look seamless and natural
Enhance your jaw line: similar to disguising the double chin apply bronzer along you entire jaw line which will add depth and make your jaw line stand out more giving you the look of having a more angular face

So to bring any areas forward, do the opposite of adding depth apply a highlighter this will emphasise them it’s great to do this on the cheekbones and above the brow bone, it also give you a healthy glow!
Also if you are wearing blush, apple it wither on the apples of the cheeks (gives you a natural flush) or under the cheekbone on top of the bronzer or darker concealer (this will give you some colour and still enhance your cheekbones).
So there you have it! Everyone’s face is different and has different need, practice makes perfect. Follow the steps that apply to you and keep trying it makes a massive difference to your face: D
Here is a diagram as well i hope this makes it easier
Love always
JadeGreen x

Perfect Foundation Part 3

Posted by Jade Green , Friday, May 7, 2010 10:39 PM

Applying your foundation doesn’t mean just slapping it on and hoping for the best. Ever wondered why some women’s skin looks flawless and natural. It’s not just their skin it’s their foundation and the way that they apply it! There is an actual technique and once you have learnt it you will never look back!
So if you have the skin care down pat you shouldn’t have that many unwanted pimples to cover up!
Start with a clean dry face, and apply a primer of your choice, primers are usually a silky texture, which is designed to help with a smooth fluid application of your foundation. But make sure you only apply a very small amount; you don’t want to over apply and end up with your foundation sliding off! If you don’t have a foundation primer a light moisturiser will do for now.
Next step is concealing and mattifing, if you haven’t red my “something to hide” blog I suggest that you do it now it will really help! So conceal and mattify the desired areas.
Ok so once your face is primed and ready the next step is applying your foundation. BUT before we go into detail you need to make sure you have found the correct foundation for your skin
There are so many on the market these days and I would do the same things as your skin care go into a cosmetics shop and get some advice! What I’ve found myself is that most anti aging foundations have a high level or moisture/oil type products in them so if your skin tend to be oily I would steer clear, they are designed for older dryer skin only! Also be wary of mousse or mattifying foundations especially if your skin is dry and delicate, on my skin I find them far too drying and my skin starts to flack! I would recommend this for oily skin types only! For people with normal to combination skin don’t be afraid to use more than one foundation ( same colour of course) to treat the different areas of your face, but I busy times this can be very time consuming as different products have different textures and can be very hard to blend. So as I said before go and get some advice! And also with foundation you get what you pay for! So I recommend saving up a few dollars and spoiling yourself! The foundation will last 10 xs longer and the results will be 100 xs more satisfying!

My foundation review-
I use Estee Lauder Double wear foundation! (Keep in mind it may not be the best for you, but with my skin type its perfection!)
It lasts all day and all night it doesn’t budge but it still makes your skin glowing and radiant and it doesn’t clog your pores or look cakey!! You can also apply a small amount for soft day look or add more if you’re going dancing and it has SPF 10! Could there be a more perfect foundation?! I bought mine for a birthday present to myself last October and I still have it! I use it every day! It retails for I think $68.00 but work every cent!
So finally make sure when you are picking your foundation that you get the correct colour for your skin. There are two main skin colours yellow and pink. If you have a yellow completion (usually olive tones) try to steer away from pink based foundations as they won’t look natural on your skin and the same goes if you have naturally more flushed skin. Also make sure it’s not too light or too dark there is a fine line, but it makes all the difference!

Foundation Application
Some people like to dot the foundation along the entire face first and then rub it in but personally I find that method to leave unbendable foundation blobs all over your face so I prefer to use either my hands or a foundation brush!
*make sure if you using a foundation sponge or brush to wash them in an antibacterial wash to make them sterile once your done, because any excess foundation will collect dirt and oil from your skin and be re-transferred back to your skin in your next application.
So apply a small portion of foundation to your hands, brush or sponge and start from the middle of your face and work out and up. Remember to be very gentle when working with you face. You can always add more foundation if needed but if you have too much to start off with it may go cakey or patchy. Use circular motions and massage the foundation completely into your skin. It should be easy if you have the correct colour foundation for your skin. Finally make sure it is completely blended along and down the jaw line and near the ears you don’t want to look like your wearing a mask. Also be careful of your hairline especially if you’re blonde, a foundation halo isn’t a good look! Use less foundation around the hairline and just becareful with your application!

The final step is to preserve all your hard work with powder! You may use a correction power       (with the muliti tones to correct) or your favourite powder. But this step is the most important because it will set your foundation and keep it looking fresh all day and night so you can party on without a worry! Use a big soft brush and softly pat the powder on not rub.
Wa La! Your foundation is flawless! Only 10% more to go and you will be ready to embrace the day/night!
Keep Reading
JadeGreen x

Skin Care Part 2

Posted by Jade Green 8:22 PM

Skin care is much more then what we put on our face! Most of beautiful glowing skin is reflected on how healthy we are on the inside, and also the skin care products that we use! I’m very lucky am my skin rarely breaks out, I find that if I’ve indulged a little too much on chocolate or fatty foods that within a week’s time my skin will be about to break out L. So I’ve found the best thing that works for me is to be fit and healthy and “try” to avoid the foods that I know give me bad skin. Everything in moderation!
Just like in my earlier Blog on detoxification everything that you put into your system needs to escape somehow, most of the time that is though your skin! It can become more oily, dry and patchy or like me break out! Try drinking some cleansing tea (green tea), do a 7day detox programme or something that I take myself that I’ve found to work wonders is Silica Tablets. You can get them from the health food shop and basically it improves the zinc levels in your body and helps with all your connective tissue. Cut a long story short, it makes your hair skin and nails strong and healthy! At first if you try one of these methods it’s hard, because your skin will break out even more, which in the long term is a good thing! What’s happening is your skin is leaching out all the unwanted toxins in your body and the tea, or detoxing programme helps flush it out of your system! My advice when you start this make sure there is nothing BIG happening like a function or a party it’s good to stay in over the weekend while you are starting this programme.
Tips when the unwanted arrive!
It said not to touch or pick unwanted pimples, but no one like the sight of them. For me Prevention is better than cure! If you must pick, use clean hand and have ice ready to reduce any swelling. Try not to touch the sight or put makeup on it as it will make it worse! As I just said you may need to have a weekend in but once your body is cleansed your skin will be able to breathe! But for any stubborn blackhead I use Biore’s deep cleansing pore strips, work wonders!
When working with the skin it is very important to remember that you get a pH balanced product. The normal range for skin, hair and scalp is 4.5-5.5pH anything out of these regions will be far too harsh for your skin! Apparently in a normal day we apply 515 chemicals to our face! (Safe obviously otherwise they wouldn’t be allowed in skin care), so I prefer to use more “natural” skin care products on my face and body. It is basically impossible to recommend skin care products to someone that you haven’t met or seen their skin; everyone’s skin is so different. So my best advice would be to go into a skin care shop and talk to the girls there and get their advice! They know what they are talking about as they deal with the products everyday! My favourite place is Lush! I’m totally addicted the products last so long and smell amazing and they have worked wonders on my skin! Take a look at the Lush Websight! I use a daily cleanser, which is softer for everyday use, toning water and also a face mask once a week! All these I’ve bought from lush, you can order over the internet as well! Bliss!
You may also want to stretch your skin care programme out to day and night or even eye creams you just need to find the product that works for you, me personally don’t use any of those “yet” lol.
Also it is very important to use a great moisturiser with preferably some SPF, if it doesn’t have any you can always buy some sun cream and inter mix it with your moisturiser! Moisturiser with SPF is so important because when we hop out of the shower or bath our skin is in a very soft state, and if it’s left on its own, external aggressions are far easier to penetrate your skin and make it dry and itchy. And will help fight pre-mature aging! I’ve used moisturiser with SPF every day for the past 10 or so years and I’ve never looked back. People say that I’m addicted and I reckon they are right! It’s SO SO SO important! It will keep your skin healthy and youthful for many years to come!
Ok so this is a big one and I’m still shock to learn that not many people do it! REMOVE YOUR MAKEUP BEFORE BED!!! Otherwise your makeup will clog your pores leading to blackhead and pimples and can cause uneven skin tone and eye infections not a good look! My favourite is L’Oreal Eye and Lip Makeup Remover- $18.00 or if you want a natural alternative use olive oil! Works wonders and you skin, especially your eye area will be smooth as a baby’s bum!
But skin care isn’t just your face! It can be your whole body! Here are some recipes for amazing glowing skin which you can use on your whole body even your face!
Olive Oil Scrub
½ C sugar
2 TBS honey
3TBS Olive oil (must be extra virgin)
Mix all together and apply small amount to wet skin! Amazing you may not need to moisturise afterwards as this is very moisturising (wouldn’t recommend it for very oily skin) Oh and don’t worry about the olive oil clogging your pores. The Olive oil particles are way too big to fit into your pores! And you’re left with smooth radiant skin!
White and Yellow Egg Mask
Apply a whisked egg white to clean skin allow to dry (will feel tight) and wash off this is a great way to brighten your skin!
Next step is to repeat same process but with the yolk, this will act as a natural moisturiser! Enjoy! (Only use this for your face though: D)
Remember that doing all these things once isn’t going to be enough! You need to make time and put in effort if you want glowing skin! Keep any supplements next to your bathroom skin so you don’t forget to take them in the morning and make sure you allow enough time to cleanse tone and moisturise every single day! The fruits will blossom in time just keep persisting and find the right products that work for you!
Love Always JadeGreen x

Stress Less

Posted by Jade Green 1:33 AM

Stess is a major health risk! Trust me i know, having recently been hospitalised from a stress retaled migrain which escelated to show stroke symptoms (AT the age of 20!) i think i know too when what stress can do to your body when no addressed straight away! By the way im fine now :D, so dont stress hehe

Stress can not only make you put weight on, loose sleep and effect your mood it can also put a huge strain on your body! 
Ive been doing so research ever since my migrain and here is some info that ive stumbled across!
Stress causes change in your body that can be either physical, emotional or psychological. i found that there are  different types of Stress
Eustress: Which is a type that keeps us vital, it is fun and exciting
and then there is
Acute Stress: which can be a mixture of Eustree or can be more di-stressing
Episodic Stress: where the stress can run rampid of your life and prevent Chaos
and finally
Chronic Stress: i feel for who ever is suffering from this one! It is never-ending!

When your body is stressed, the natural "fight or flight" come into play! your body releases adrenelin as well as other hormones which effect your heart rate and can contract your muscles.
In more severe cases you can get migrains, Ulcers, Diabeetes, Depesion, Hairloss (BIG ONE!), OCD and many more un-plesent things.

So the only best thing for stress is prevention!
there are many herbal remedies you can get for stress which include Ginsing- works on your nervouse system and Reishi- which can restore emotional balance
Ive found since being to hospital that drinking Cammomile tea before bed helps trimendisly, its very calming and great to help you nod of to sleep!
here is a websight full of herbal remedies

Also meditaiton can prove to be very effective, try in a class setting first to introduce you to the step you need to take or get a dvd or a cd to listen to when you are starting to feel that your stress levels are getting high here is a websight offering simple and effective ways of meditation

The final thing i suggest is listen to your body start to notice the signs your body is telling you and PLEASE dont ignore them, otherwise you might end up in hospital like i did and trust me its not fun!

The rest of my blog on Flawless foundation will be coming soon!!
Take care and Stress Less
Love Jade Greenx

Something to Hide? Part 1

Posted by Jade Green , Tuesday, May 4, 2010 5:57 AM

They say that 90% of flawless makeup comes from the perfect base, meaning foundation. So ive decided to do a 4 part segment on how to achieve the perfect base, which will set you up for every makeup look! the first segement is on concealing and colour correcting, the second part is skin care, the third is foundation application and the final is contouring ( a great skill to have!).

Concealer doesnt just mean for under the eyes. Yes that is the main type of concealer but there are lots of different colours to correct differnt concerns.

if your concern is....

Redness: Just think of the colour wheel in all these situations because you are dealing with colour correction so the opposite of Red is......GREEN! so that is what you will need to apply to your skin to counter-act redness. Sounds strange but it works a treat! the best one that ive come across is Nation Complextion Corrector in Green. The consistancy is great is a lotion so a but runnier then a cream. this works really well because a stick or a hard cream can leave too much colour on the skin and you dont want it to have the reverse efffect, and be left with a muddy green patch on your skin! so before foundation apply the lotion to all red areas, they can usually be found on the side of the lips and around the nose. But use your own descretion.

Dark Circles: Dark cicrcles are cause by a lack of circulation under the eye, which causes blood to become stagnet and stay under the eye causing a blue/purple dark circle. the skin around the eye is VERY fragile and only a few milimetres thick so make sure you use extra caution when working around the eye area. being too hard can cause pe-mature aging. So in order to counter-act the blue/purple colour the best colour to use is a warm yellow colour-dont use anything too orange though as its not a natural tone in your skin and will look fake. one of my faves is ( you guess it) Nation Complextion Corrector inYellow for the exact same reason as the green corrector, it usually sells for i think $12. so its really reasonable and lasts a long time. BUT my ultimate Favourite and to me its worth every cent and you cant get any better then this! is YSL Radiance Pen. AMAZING thats the only way to put it basically! it highlights and covers all imperfections and dark circles with out going cakey it looks so natural and flawless and ive you a healthy glow my FAVEOURITE!

Dull Skin: ok so to me there is nothing worse then dull lackluster skin, or un-even skin tone! it can make you foundation look cakey and un-natural and also makes you look tried! the best colour to give you skin a  luminating radiance is in face purple! So Red Earth have a amazing purple corrector its roughly about $30 but it comes in a glass canister and is very hyginic and lasts a long time it comes highly recommended!

Oily Skin: There is nothing worse the spending ages on your makeup and then have it run of your face later on because your skin is oily! so the best solution is to take the problem BEFORE you apply your foundation. use a Mattifying gel or cream in the areas needed ( usually the t-section) and try to stick to only these areas other wise it may dull out the skin if you use it where you dont need it! again Red Earth have a really great one same price and the purple corrector!

So there you have it! and all these products need to go on before the foundation! because if you do it after you will be recking you base and you will see lighter patches in your skin or uneven tone!

there is one more product to use BUT its the very final stage ( after contouring and foundation) ill talk about it now because it is relevent but ill bring it up later on too. i dont know if you have seen it but its a powder and its lots of either balls or patches in different colours. Most are the above colours, such as pink, white, yellow, green and purple. the importance of all these colour is it give your skin the final helping hand while setting your foundation it will correct any areas and give you skin the beautiful glow we are all after! a good powder should have most of these colours in it! my fave is Guerlain meteorite balls! the smell is to die for and they last a very long time the best that ive used! the retail for about $60 from memory (here is the websight worth a look or there is alsp Phicicans Formula powder which retails roughly $30! but im my opinon you cant go past the metiorite balls!

Ok so there you have it! but remeber that you dont have to use all these products on your face! only use the ones that you need!! Havr Fun and Good Luck!!! ill be back soon with the other segments! 
Love Jade Green xx

Flawless Fake Tan

Posted by Jade Green , Monday, May 3, 2010 7:40 PM

So im being lazy tonight! ive skipped the gym to apply fake tan!!!! give me a healthy glow for the rest of the week!
People who wear fake tan shouldn't look like giant oranges rolling down the street. If its applyed correctly it should look flawless and sun-kissed whithout that nasty orange glow.
To achieve this is acually alot easier then you think, now i do admit practise makes perfect, but once you get the tecnique down pat the rest is history!
If you are new to fake tan, the first thing i would recommend is going to a salon and getting a light tan somthing very natural. This will give you a great indication of what you look like with a tan and you can see how it lasts and fades on your skin.
Bearing in mind that salon products are proffesional,BUT there are some fantastic home tanning kits on the market, you just have to find the right one for you!
The application of tan it the key, whether you use a cream, spray, mousse or gel shouldn't matter.
So i reckon before we start ill explaine the best products that ive used and what my honest oppinon is!

Spray: to me sprays are the easiest! they look great you can see the colour instantly and they are very easy to blend into the skin as some have a slippery/oil feel to them. My personal Favourite is LE TAN- DEEP BRONZE GLOW retails for approx $19.00

Cream: creams are great, they do take a bit more patince as some are quite thick and take a while to rub completely in. Also if you after a darker glow, it is hard to achieve when you are using a cream as too much product on the skin can cause streaking and can clump together. Great for a light suptle colour! I reccoment LE TAN- CREAM TAN it comes with a sponge tip end so you dont have to use your hands! Retails for about $12.00

Mousse: Mousse's are similar to the creams the give a softer colour. but unlike the cream you can apply as much as you like i suggest to do it in layers. its great because it doesnt stain the hands nearly as much and for extra applications its a breeze! I love SUGA BABY-MOUSSE TAN roughly $22.00

Gel: Gels can be slightly trickier to use. for one they are very cold :( but most of them dont have a strong tan colour and it can be very hard to see where you have applyed leaving plenty of opportunity for overlapping and missed patches. i would reccoment a more experienced tan user of gels (my observation). if you are to use a gel i reccomend LOREAL SUBLIME BORNZE TANNING GEL roughly around the $20.00 mark

Gradual tan: ive used many! and have had many desasters! the colour is very light, so if you want to feel like your've had a tan i dont reccomend this at all. its a gradual process and would take weeks to even get a hint of colour. also most of the gradual tan are a white cream colour so its very difficult to see where you have applyed and can cause some unwanted streaking and patchiness. if you are to use one of these the PALMERS COCOA BUTTER TAN CREAM is the best!

So there you have to basic tanning products. now it to the application
i start by exfoliating all your skin first especailly the knees, ancles and elbows as these parts of the skin are the driest and the tanning product can cling to these areas. once youve exfoliate dry the skin thougrally and apply moisturiser. its will smooth the skin and help the tan look more nautral. wait for moisturiser to dry then start the tan.

i start form top to bottom, because if any extra product drops down you will not be recking your application. no matter what your weapon of choice is rubbing it in is the key start with the face neck and decolatage. apply small ammount to hand ( or if its spray, spray directly on the area) and then rub rub rub! smooth out all over! make sure to get all along the jaw bone and near your ears.
move down to your arms! same application but make sure you get all sides of your arms and underneath near your armpits. we will come back to the wrists later. follow this same method along the entire body.
Dont worry if its not perfect first time, it take practice to perfect it but once you do its a huge money saver and you look much healthier with a tan!

So once the full body is done let dry for aprrox 15-30mins (depending on the tan used) and re-apply the same way if a darker look is desired. :) BUT if its your first tan application i would suggest going subtle to start off with, so then if there are any mistakes they arn't as ovbiouse!
a good tan should last roughly a week if applyed properly

MY final helpfull tip
if you do make a huge mistake or you dont like your tan the best thing to do is remove it! you can purchase a tan removal lotion or you can use a homemade recipe the best thing that if found that works its lemon juice! but dialute it in a bit of water because its a strong acid and it can sting and dry the skin out!


Missing my husband

Posted by Jade Green , Sunday, May 2, 2010 1:33 AM

So considering this is my first ever blog i feel that im not doing too bad!
it has been officially over a week since ive seen my husband im missing him terribly. we are doing the whole "sea change" thing but hes gone over first to get a place to rent and a job. So considering his absence ive discovered ive got all this time on my hands. ive decided to surprise him and look absolutly amazing the next time i see him! ive been detoxing, buying new makeup, trying different makeup looks and all together getting fit and healthy so i can WOW him when i see him in a few weeks time.
this first blog is all about some of the detoxing ive been doing. Before my husband left, we had a few big weekends of going out, so the first part of my body im detoxing is my liver (yes thats right! VERY important). if you are healthy on the inside you look radiant and glowing on the outside! if you think about it all the chemicals and crap we put into our system eventually has to exit our body one way or another (and im not talking about down there) i mean it will leach out your skin and hair. you may notice your hair drying out, or skin breaking out and it all because of the toxins we put in our system. Not just achole, fast food, city living all sorts of things can toxify our system. SO back to the subject ive been taking Milk Thistle for my liver which aids normal and healthy function. if your liver isnt working properly it will take longer to process toxins including sugars and carbohydrates, leaving then in your system for longer then they should! also im taking some Hair,Skin and Nail tablets which basically increase the silica and zinc in your system and add in stronger tissue and faster healing.
finally the last thing ive been doing 2 times a week is HOT YOGA!!! its amazing ive heard from heaps of people that it was life changing but i never believed then untill i went myself! trust me it is soooo great! for one ive lots so much weight! and im not a big girl at all, ive tonned up my whole body and ive only been doing it for 2 weeks! crazy i know, but the heat detoxes your skin and your system, while allowing you to streach deeper and improve your flexability! TRUST ME THIS IS AWESOME! and since ive been doing it im less stressed i get better sleep and im happy!!! (would be happier if my husband was here though hehe). SO to summerise you are what you eat basically! so for a healthy glowing complexing a fit mind and body! BE HEALTHY please! im not saying dont endulge your self but try to keep it to once a week and remember if your doing exercise you should'nt feel bad about having a treat every now and then!!!
Jade Green xxx