Missing my husband

Posted by Jade Green , Sunday, May 2, 2010 1:33 AM

So considering this is my first ever blog i feel that im not doing too bad!
it has been officially over a week since ive seen my husband im missing him terribly. we are doing the whole "sea change" thing but hes gone over first to get a place to rent and a job. So considering his absence ive discovered ive got all this time on my hands. ive decided to surprise him and look absolutly amazing the next time i see him! ive been detoxing, buying new makeup, trying different makeup looks and all together getting fit and healthy so i can WOW him when i see him in a few weeks time.
this first blog is all about some of the detoxing ive been doing. Before my husband left, we had a few big weekends of going out, so the first part of my body im detoxing is my liver (yes thats right! VERY important). if you are healthy on the inside you look radiant and glowing on the outside! if you think about it all the chemicals and crap we put into our system eventually has to exit our body one way or another (and im not talking about down there) i mean it will leach out your skin and hair. you may notice your hair drying out, or skin breaking out and it all because of the toxins we put in our system. Not just achole, fast food, city living all sorts of things can toxify our system. SO back to the subject ive been taking Milk Thistle for my liver which aids normal and healthy function. if your liver isnt working properly it will take longer to process toxins including sugars and carbohydrates, leaving then in your system for longer then they should! also im taking some Hair,Skin and Nail tablets which basically increase the silica and zinc in your system and add in stronger tissue and faster healing.
finally the last thing ive been doing 2 times a week is HOT YOGA!!! its amazing ive heard from heaps of people that it was life changing but i never believed then untill i went myself! trust me it is soooo great! for one ive lots so much weight! and im not a big girl at all, ive tonned up my whole body and ive only been doing it for 2 weeks! crazy i know, but the heat detoxes your skin and your system, while allowing you to streach deeper and improve your flexability! TRUST ME THIS IS AWESOME! and since ive been doing it im less stressed i get better sleep and im happy!!! (would be happier if my husband was here though hehe). SO to summerise you are what you eat basically! so for a healthy glowing complexing a fit mind and body! BE HEALTHY please! im not saying dont endulge your self but try to keep it to once a week and remember if your doing exercise you should'nt feel bad about having a treat every now and then!!!
Jade Green xxx

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