A bit of inspiration!

Posted by Jade Green , Wednesday, July 7, 2010 6:20 PM

WOW! it has been such a long time since ive done a new post! time flyes by!
well i just wanted to update you all on my life at the moment and what has been happening! i have been living in WA for just over 1 month now! and I'm still looking for a job! its hard because I've got hairdressing to fall back on, BUT i was really exciting about staring a new career! Ive applied to SOOOOO many jobs and yes there are positions available but it takes a while over here to hear back from people! I guess all i can do is stay positive! The whole reason we came over here was to make some good $$$ and go traveling and try and set ourselves up, so i really don't want to settle for just any old job that i could have done at my old home! Anyway in saying that I've had so many great experiences since being here and I've done somethings that i thought i would never have done! For example, i just got my HR license! which for those of you who dont know what that is, is a Heavy Rigid vehicle license! So i can drive a semi-trailer! i NEVER though that i would be able to do that! but it goes to show that you can do absolutely anything if you put you mind to it and dont let anyone else tell you otherwise!
Its really funny because before i moved here most people back home didnt thing that i would cope here, because i guess it is fairly isolated. But hey im here and loving it, and if i have work id love it even more!!!

So i guess my whole point of this blog is, firstly to tell you guys what i was up to, but also to say don't cut yourself short! yeah you might have the career and the house now, but if your not happy what is the point! you are never too old or too young to experience new things! yeah it will be scary, but being scared is showing you that its new, and most of those nerves are excitement at the same time!! My husband and i just got up sold everything ( kept our old house though) and moved we didn't have jobs when we came here ( i still don't! lol) but we are happy! we are Living our life and it couldn't be better!